Electric Scooter for Kids Dayton Ohio

Electric Scooter for Kids Dayton Ohio

Matematika There are 2 whole numbers of different value. If you divide the large number by the small number, it gives you quotient 3 with remainder of 8. If you divide 3 times of the small number, ut gives you quotient 11 with remainder of 2. Fond 2 such whole numbers.​​

There are 2 whole numbers of different value. If you divide the large number by the small number, it gives you quotient 3 with remainder of 8. If you divide 3 times of the small number, ut gives you quotient 11 with remainder of 2. Fond 2 such whole numbers.​​


35 and 113

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

x angka kecil, y angka besar

pernyataan pertama :

y = 3x + 8

pernyataan kedua :

x = 11×3 +2

x = 35

jadi y = 35×3 + 8

y = 113
